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          2010-01-11    作者:曾德金    來源:經濟參考報


        Power to the people. Next month,Icelanders may get to ①vote on whether they would like to hand over  12,000 each to the UK and the Netherlands. It seems a ②no-brainer. But if Iceland refuses to repay the  3.9bn debt,it risks becoming an international③pariah.
        It still need not come to that. Most Icelanders acknowledge,albeit grudgingly,they have to ④meet their international obligations;the president signed an earlier loan agreement to that effect last year.But the UK and the Netherlands objected to some of its terms and demanded changes.The new agreement is hardly punitive:a 15-year loan,with a seven-year ⑤grace period and a chance to renegotiate terms in 2024.While the 5.5 per cent interest rate is higher than current British or eurozone borrowing costs,neither country is pocketing a juicy spread:yields on 15-year Dutch government bonds are about 4 per cent,while UK bond yields are half a percentage point more. Perhaps these details can be tweaked;ultimately all three governments need do a better job of explaining to their people the costs of rejecting a deal.
        Iceland’s situation is extreme,but several governments nearby are also having to persuade their citizens of the need to ⑥tighten their belts. So far Ireland and Latvia have been willing to take the pain of required economic adjustment as the price of euro membership. The jury is out on Greece and Spain. Then there is the historic example of serial ⑦defaulter Argentina. Ten years after repudiating its international debts,Argentina hopes to strike a deal with unpaid creditors this month. A similar path must be an unappealing prospect for Iceland. A decade is a long time to spend ⑧out in the cold,particularly if all you have left to eat is fish.






        ①vote on,對...進行表決,vote for/against,贊成/反對。
        ④meet one’s obligation,履行義務;
        ⑤grace period(行動、責任等的)寬限期,包含兩層意思:1.指放款人同意借款人只支付利息,暫時無須償還本金的一段時期。2.指過了付款期限,收款的一方同時延長付款期限,在寬限期滿之前支付則不算違約。
        ⑥tighten one’s belt,意為勒緊腰帶,節約度日。
        ⑦defaulter,意為“a person who fails to fulfil a duty,obligation,or undertaking,especially to pay a tax or other debt”,就是違約者、不履行義務者、拖欠者。
        ⑧out in the cold,該短語意為“遭受冷落,受到忽視”,形象說明了阿根廷由于拒付債務而造成國際信用降低的后果。

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