Xiaomi will sell Redmi 2 device
in Brazil -------------- Xiaomi is targeting Brazil for its first
smartphone launch outside Asia, amid signs of a slowdown in its home market of
China. The five-year-old company, which was valued at $45bn in a funding round
late last year, will sell its Redmi 2 device in Brazil from next week for R$499
($160), which Xiaomi said was up to half the price of comparable smartphones
from rivals such as Samsung and
Motorola. 小米在巴西推出紅米2智能手機 -------------- 在中國市場出現放緩跡象之際,小米正在將巴西作為在亞洲以外首個推出其智能手機的目標市場。這家成立只有五年的公司,曾在去年底的一輪募資中估值達到450億美元。下周,該公司將在巴西以499雷亞爾(合160美元)的價格,銷售其紅米2手機。