Alibaba Pictures announces
$1.6bn share placement -------------- Alibaba Pictures has announced
it will raise at least HK$12.1bn ($1.6bn) from a share placement.In a statement
to the Hong Kong Exchange, the company said it would place 4.2bn shares at
HK$2.90 per share — a discount of 19.9 per cent to the company's last traded
price of HK$3.62 on June 1, or a discount of around 12.9 per cent to its average
closing price over the prior five
sessions. 阿里影業(yè)配股融資至少121億港元 -------------- 阿里影業(yè)周四宣布,將通過配股募資至少121億港元(合16億美元)。阿里影業(yè)在港交所發(fā)表聲明稱,將以每股2.9港元的價(jià)格配售42億股股份。該價(jià)格較公司6月1日3.62港元的收盤價(jià)折價(jià)19.9%,較前5個(gè)交易日收盤價(jià)均值折價(jià)約12.9%。