US retailers take aim at
Alibaba over tax ‘loophole’ -------------- Alibaba is taking on
Amazon’s habitual role as public enemy number one for traditional US retailers,
after being dragged into a political fight over a tax exemption for online
sales. Bricks-and-mortar retailers – which have spent years attacking Amazon for
profiting from what they call a sales tax loophole – have turned their fire on
Alibaba by launching a new advertisement warning that the Chinese ecommerce
group will be the next
beneficiary. 阿里巴巴被指將利用美銷售稅漏洞 -------------- 在卷入一場有關電商免稅的政治爭斗之后,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)接手了通常由亞馬遜(Amazon)扮演的角色,成為美國傳統零售商的頭號公敵。實體店零售商多年來一直攻擊亞馬遜獲利于它們所稱的銷售稅漏洞。現在它們將炮火對準了阿里巴巴,并發布新的廣告警告稱,這家中國電商集團將是下一個受益者。