Who Are Alibaba's Gray-Market
Vendors? -------------- What makes a 'gray-market' reseller 'gray' is
that it doesn't have official authorization from brands to sell the products it
peddles. Typically, the gray-market vendors that sell to Chinese consumers buy
their products overseas, from a variety of sources that sell brand goods, often
at a discount. These range from discount outlets to authorized distributors to
middlemen who buy excess or flawed stock from
manufacturers. 阿里巴巴購物網上的灰市賣家 -------------- 灰色市場轉售商之所以被貼上“灰色”的標簽,是因為他們沒有獲得相關品牌產品的官方授權。向中國消費者出售商品的灰市賣家通常是以折扣價從出售品牌產品的各種海外渠道購買這些產品,這些渠道包括工廠直銷店、授權分銷商以及從生產商手中收購零貨或瑕疵品的中間商等。