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    1. [雙語閱讀]澳拒絕美農業巨頭收購澳GrainCorp公司
      2013-12-02   作者:周武英/編譯  來源:經濟參考報

        Australia blocked the $3.1 billion takeover bid by US food giant Archer Daniels Midland Co. for GrainCorp on Friday. Treasurer Joe Hockey, invoking a rarely used power to  foreign investment, said he rejected the takeover because it would not be in Australia’s national interest. ADM, which owns a nearly 20 percent stake in GrainCorp, offered to buy the rest of the company last year. Chief executive Patricia Woertz said ADM was disappointed by the move.
        澳大利亞上周五拒絕了美國食品巨頭阿徹丹尼爾斯米德蘭公司31億美元收購澳大利亞GrainCorp的收購要約。財政部長喬·霍基少有地運用了對外國投資的否決權,他表示,拒絕這項收購是因為它不符合澳大利亞的國家利益。阿徹丹尼爾斯米德蘭公司擁有GrainCorp近20%的股權,去年表示希望購買該公司剩余的股權,該企業的首席執行官Patricia Woertz對這一決定表示失望。(波士頓全球網)

        The ruling that the bid was against the national interest is just the first in a series of difficult choices that all three parties face in coming weeks and months that will have a big bearing on Australia’s standing as a destination for foreign investment.

        The decision was interpreted by some as the removal of the “open for business” sign Prime Minister Tony Abbott claimed had been staked in the ground on election night.

        GrainCorp is the only publicly traded grain merchant in Australia. Its 280 wheat storage sites, and control of seven of the ten ports that ship grain from the east coast of the country, means the company handles 75 percent of annual grain production and 90 percent of exports from eastern Australia. ADM, an Illinois-based S&P 500 listed company with revenues of $89 billion last year, already has a 20 percent stake in GrainCorp but wanted to move to 100 percent ownership with a $3.4 billion takeover. The company was believed to be targeting the Australian market as a way of boosting its presence in Asian markets, especially China, which is a major purchaser of Australian wheat exports.

        Mr Hockey said grain growers in eastern Australia had expressed concern an acquisition by ADM could reduce competition and impede their ability to access grain storage and distribution.

        Both ADM and GrainCorp expressed disappointment at the decision, which would deny the country’s agricultural industry significant capital investment, said GrainCorp Chairman Don Taylor.
        阿徹丹尼爾斯米德蘭公司的CEO Patricia Woertz也表示:“自始至終,我們都積極創造條件,使之符合澳大利亞的最大利益,并承諾解決股東面臨的重要問題!

        Hockey said he was open to ADM - one of the four “ABCD” firms that have dominated the global agricultural business for decades - increasing its stake in GrainCorp to nearly 25 percent. ADM said it would consider an increase.

        GrainCorp’s chairman Don Taylor says the Federal Government has an obligation to contribute funds for rural infrastructure upgrades after blocking ADM’s bid for the company, which promised a $250 million injection for upgraded rail and facilities.

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