美國聯(lián)邦法庭認定美國銀行(Bank of America)旗下Countrywide金融公司出售抵押貸款時存在欺詐,美國政府正催促美國銀行為此支付8.636億美元罰金。有業(yè)內專家稱,這是銀行首次在民事訴訟中因抵押貸款有關的不當行為被認定為欺詐。
The U.S. government is seeking $864 million in penalties from Bank of America Corp. over a loan production program called the“Hustle,”according to a court filing.
The jury also found former Countrywide executive Rebecca Mairone liable for fraud for her role in the program. The U.S. attorney did not request an amount from Ms. Mairone,saying it will seek an amount that is“commensurate with her ability to pay.”The government received Ms. Mairone‘s financial documents last week and will make a specific penalty request after analyzing that data,the Friday filing said.
Bank of America spokesman Lawrence Grayson said Saturday that the lender plans to respond to the government’s penalty filing before a Nov. 20 deadline.
The government said the penalties were necessary to punish the bank and Mairone“and to send a clear and unambiguous message that mortgage fraud for profit will not be tolerated.”