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    1. [雙語閱讀]煉油產能過剩打擊石油巨擘
      2013-11-04   作者:周武英/編譯  來源:經濟參考報

        Squeezed margins in the global refining industry are hurting the world’s largest oil companies,as Royal Dutch Shell,Total and Exxon Mobil all blamed poor quarterly earnings on a decline in their downstream businesses.

        Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA) Thursday reported a 31% decline in third-quarter profit largely because of weak refining margins and increased exploration-and-production expenses. Shell posted profit on a“current cost of supplies”basis——a figure that factors out the impact of inventories,making it equivalent to the net profit reported by U.S. oil companies——of $4.25 billion,down from $6.15 billion in the same period last year.

        Oil and natural gas giant Exxon Mobil Corp. posted lower third-quarter GAAP net income attributable to the company of $7.87 billion,or $1.79 a share,versus last year’s $9.57 billion,or $2.09 a share.

        In the latest period,the company’s refining and marketing business reported operating earnings plunged 81% to $592 million,as weaker margins,primarily in its refining business,decreased profits by $2.4 billion.

        Like most of itspeers in the oil and gas industry,Total is grappling with depressed refiningmargins in Europe,as weak economic growth weighs on demand for oil products. “The refining environment in Europe remains very difficult;the overcapacities are still a major issue,”said Chief Financial Officer Patrick de la Chevardière.Refining margins in the third quarter dropped 79% from a year earlier,Totalsaid.

        The problem is most striking in Europe,despite refinery closures that have taken some 1.7m barrels a day of capacity out of the system since 2008. Figures from the International Energy Agency show European demand for refined products will average 13.5m b/d, almost 2m b/d less than in 2008.

        This weakening demand has coincided with the construction of a new wave of giant refineries in Asia and the Middle East that are putting pressure on older and less sophisticated plants in more mature markets. The IEA says global crude oil distillation capacity is set to rise from 86m b/d in 2005 to 101m b/d by 2017 once all the planned new capacity comes on stream.

        Some majors have responded by selling their European refineries,though in some cases they have struggled to find buyers. Others are shifting their focus to areas of higher demand growth and lower costs. Total,for example,has built a big new refinery in Jubail,Saudi Arabia,in a joint venture with the country,which shipped its first cargo last month.

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