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    1. [雙語閱讀]摩根大通恐將支付130億美元和解金
      2013-10-21   作者:廖冰清/編譯  來源:經濟參考報

        JPMorgan Chase,the nation’s largest bank,has reached a tentative agreement with the Justice Department to pay a record $13 billion to resolve allegations that it knowingly sold faulty mortgage securities that contributed to the financial crisis,a person familiar with the talks said Saturday. 

        The deal includes $4 billion to settle claims by the Federal Housing Finance Agency that J.P. Morgan misled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about the quality of loans it sold them in the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis,another $4 billion in consumer relief,and $5 billion in penalties paid by the bank,according to people familiar with the decision. How the consumer relief and penalties get dispersed and distributed is largely up to the government,and those details are still unclear,these people said. 

        If finalized,the deal would be the largest penalty ever paid by a single company,representing a tremendous win for the government after years of public criticism over its struggle to hold Wall Street accountable for its crisis-era misdeeds. 

        The general terms of a deal were struck Friday night in a phone conversation between Attorney General Eric Holder,his lieutenant Tony West,J.P. Morgan CEO James Dimon and the bank’s general counsel,Stephen Cutler,a person familiar with the matter said. The two sides continued to disagree over an admission of wrongdoing that would end the criminal probe and decided instead to resolve the civil allegations related to the mortgage securities. 

        The tentative deal does not release the bank from criminal liability for some of the mortgages it packaged into bonds and sold to investors. That had been a major sticking point in the discussions,but the government refused to budge on that issue and JPMorgan felt it had no choice but to give in,according to a second source.

        The settlement is $2bn more than the terms that were previously being negotiated. The settlement follows earlier talks for the bank to pay $7bn in cash and provide $4bn in consumer relief,but those negotiations faltered despite Mr Dimon travelling to Washington to meet in person with Mr Holder. 

        JPMorgan last week enumerated its litigation reserves-an enormous $23bn-for the first time and said that“reasonable possible losses”on top of that amount were $5.7bn. If that entire sum were paid,it would wipe out the last six quarters of profit. 

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