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    1. [雙語閱讀]白宮開始尋找伯南克繼任人
      2013-07-01   作者:周武英/編譯  來源:經濟參考報


        The White House has assembled a shortlist of candidates to succeed Federal Reserve Bank chairman Ben Bernanke,a source familiar with the process said,and U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is running the search.

        The search is in the early stages and there is no front-runner,according to these people,who wouldn’t divulge any names on the shortlist. A selection might not be announced until early fall,they said. 

        The president,while praising Mr. Bernanke in a TV interview this month with Charlie Rose,said Mr. Bernanke has “already stayed a lot longer than he wanted or he was supposed to.”The two men met at the White House in February and Mr. Bernanke said in March they had spoken “a bit”about his future. He declined at a news conference last week to say more about his future.

        “But many of Bernanke’s friends and associates believe he wants to step down when his term expires,”the Journal said.

        There was no information on who is on the list,although Fed Vice Chair Janet Yellen,former Obama adviser Lawrence Summers and former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner are considered to be likely leading choices.

        Ms. Yellen has been an outspoken advocate of the Fed’s easy-money policies. Her involvement in formulating those policies could give her an advantage at the White House,by knowing how they work and how they can be reversed. She also has drawbacks,including a lack of market experience at a time when markets are especially nervous.

        Lawrence Summers,the former head of Mr. Obama’s National Economic Council,is also seen as a contender. Mr. Summers served as Treasury secretary under Mr. Clinton and is close to many of Mr. Obama’s top economic advisers.He is widely viewed in the administration as a top economist. But he faces obstacles,too,including questions about how he would fit into the Fed’s culture.

        Other respected economists whom the White House might consider include two former Fed vice chairmen,Princeton University professor Alan Blinder and Roger Ferguson,who advised Mr. Obama’s first campaign for president in 2008,and Christina Romer,the former head of Mr. Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. Timothy Geithner,Mr.Obama’s former Treasury Secretary,is sometimes mentioned as a potential successor to Mr. Bernanke,though Mr. Geithner has said he doesn’t want the job.

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