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    1. 改革國際評級體系 推動世界經濟復蘇(英文版)
      2012-07-31   作者:關建中  來源:經濟參考網

          IV. The Blueprint for the Construction of New International Credit Rating System
          (I) Now is the best time to reform the existing international rating system.
          First, the evolvement of the crisis and failure of the bail-out action further raise awareness of reform of the international community. The reform ideas are brought together and become the mainstream thoughts and actions. Second, the theoretical and roadmap preparation of the international rating system reform has been completed. The international leaders of thought have figured out the essential law from the human practice in developing credit economy, established the historic position of rating system in the development stage of credit economic society, found out inherent connection between rating system and modern economic activities, offering scientific guidance in determining correct direction of the reform. Third, Rating agencies from creditor countries have commenced on working with institutions of various countries to build a new international rating agency, which indicates the major force of the reform is stepping onto the arena of history.
      The new international credit rating system mode should be made up of three major parts - international credit rating regulatory organization, international credit rating agency and international credit rating criteria: 
          1. International credit rating regulatory organization
      The non-sovereign agency consists of the rating regulatory bodies of various countries and its responsibilities include: planning development of the international rating system, formulating the international rating regulatory rules, guiding various countries to build their own rating systems, regulating rating agencies' behaviors and promoting credit rating criteria to upgrade.
          2. International credit rating agency
      The non-sovereign organization is a professional credit information service institution consisting of private institutions from various countries. Its responsibilities include: developing a unified international rating standard, getting involved in the rating business in each country, forming the dual-rating mechanism for all debtors for exercising check and balance and preventing rating risks.
          3. International credit rating criteria
      The international credit rating regulatory organization can formulate rating criteria development plan and encourage rating agencies to carry out and keep improving the criteria. The international credit rating agency should focus on development and enhancement of the criteria and ensure its objectivity through mechanisms.
          (II) Four cardinal principles for constructing the international credit rating system.
      Experiences and lessons should be drawn from the global credit crisis while reforming the international credit rating system; the development laws of credit economy and credit rating should be complied with; four cardinal principles should be upheld while taking the overall interests of the human society into consideration:  
          1. Global Principle
      Ensuring from designing of the regime and mechanism, unified criteria are applied in conducting a rating for every economy across the globe and following up its risks, to make each rating comparable. 
          2. Independent Principle
      The following points should be incorporated into the three components of the international credit rating system: non-national, non- political, zero interest-related, non-competitive and impartial. 
          3. Consistent Principle
      Use the consistent rating criteria to measure the credit risks of different economic entities to ensure the objectivity of ratings. 
          4. International Regulatory Principle
      Use the consistent international rating regulatory criteria to supervise all of the rating behaviors of rating agencies, international supervision cannot be replaced by national oversight. 
          (III)  The general objective and three stages of reforming the international rating system. 
          1. The general objective of reforming the international rating system is:
      to build a rating system and mechanism which can impartially reveal credit risks of each credit-debt relationship across the globe to lay a solid foundation for reconstructing the international credit system in order to promote the world economic recovery; to prevent the reoccurrence of global credit crisis through the powerful warning function of the rating system.  
          2. It will probably take six years in the three stages to realize the objective: In the first stage of two years, the main task is to initially shape a framework of the new international rating system with basic operational conditions.
          In the second stage of another two years, the main task is to test and improve the new system during the operational process to basically enable it to provide rating information services for the whole world.
      In the third stage of yet another two years, the major task is to materialize the coordinated development mechanism for the rating system with the credit system on the macro level; to fully build the new international credit system with support from the new international rating system and to realize the economic recovery by using the double systems to push the world’s economy step out of the crisis.
          (IV)  It involves the joint efforts of the international community to reform the international rating system. Reforming the international rating system is the mission and responsibility proposed to the human society by the global credit crisis; it is an epoch-making change to the world economic governance regime. As it concerns the safe development of the human economic society it cannot be successful unless the international community pools their efforts together. 
          1. Publicity should go first
      The world's media resources should fully report and communicate the international rating system reform to make the international community understand, support and participate in the reform in breadth and depth.
          2. Governments should support
      Governments should recognize from the crisis that reforming the international rating system is consistent with their economic and social management responsibilities, supporting the reform is promoting social advancement.
          3. Creditor countries are a major force driving the reform. 
      The creditor countries are more concerned about the safety of their creditor assets and naturally want to promote the reform should take lead in reforming and participate in the reform with debtor countries.
          4. Credit rating agencies are the subject to implement the rating reform
      Rating agencies of the whole world should join hands to undertake the historic mission to achieve the objective of the reform.
          The proposition of reforming the international rating system to promote the world economic recovery is a practical question; it is even more a theoretical question. It would be impossible for us to find the correct approach and method to rescue the crisis if we could not scientifically explain the process of movement of the credit crisis from the theoretical perspective and discover its movement law. The realistic significance of exploring the law is to spark people’s meditations on the objective of and approach for recovering the world economy, and its historic significance is to innovate the theory on credit economics, lighting the way forward for the world economy with the torch of credit thought; it calls for human wisdom, consensus and action to fulfill this great mission that complies with the historical needs.

      鏈接:改革國際評級體系 推動世界經濟復蘇(中文版)

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