【雙語新聞】 China Regulator: Granted 5 Foreign Investors QFII Licenses In
April -------------- The China Securities Regulatory Commission said
Wednesday it granted licenses to five foreign investors in April. The regulator
said the five new licenses bring the total number of QFIIs to 163. In March, it
gave out 11 licenses.
證監會:4月份向5家外國投資機構頒發了QFII牌照 -------------- 中國證券監督管理委員會周三宣布,4月份向5家外國投資機構發放了合格境外機構投資者(QFII)牌照。證監會表示,目前已經發放163張QFII牌照,3月份頒發牌照11張。