【雙語新聞】 Australia’s Swan Says Backs Increased Resources For
IMF -------------- Australia is ready to help beef up the International
Monetary Fund’s war chest but needs to see a firm commitment from Europe’s
leaders to tackle the crisis in their region, Deputy Prime Minister and
Treasurer Wayne Swan said in an interview.
澳大利亞國庫部長斯萬支持IMF增資計劃 -------------- 澳大利亞副總理兼國庫部長韋恩-斯萬周三接受采訪時稱,澳大利亞已做好準備幫助國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)擴大財力,但歐洲領導人必須做出解決歐元區債務危機的有力承諾。