German chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet agreed a bill to reinstate a state-backed bank rescue fund next year,a move that could pave the way for state aid to Commerzbank,Germany’s second-largest bank by assets.
德國總理安格拉·默克爾(Angela Merkel)領導的內閣批準了一項法案,決定在明年重啟由政府資助的銀行救助基金,此舉有望為政府救助德國商業銀行鋪平道路。以資產衡量,德國商業銀行是德國第二大銀行。(英國《金融時報》)
The resurrection of Soffin,which was set up in 2008 but stopped giving aid at the end of 2010,became more urgent after a sharp fall in the shares of German lender Commerzbank which must try to meet tighter European capital requirements.
Commerzbank was one of the biggest losers when the European Banking Authority this month published updated results of stress tests of European banks along with orders to plug any capital needs. Commerzbank,which owns 13bn of the peripheral eurozone debt at the heart of the continent’s fiscal crisis,saw its capital gap balloon from 2.9bn to 5.3bn because of the debt exposure.
歐洲銀行管理局(European Banking Authority)本月公布了歐洲銀行壓力測試的最新結果,并命令一些銀行填補資金缺口。德國商業銀行是最大輸家之一。德國商業銀行持有處于此次歐洲財政危機核心的歐元區外圍國家的130億歐元主權債務。該銀行預測,由于這些債券的風險敞口,其資金缺口從29億歐元擴大至53億歐元。(英國《金融時報》)
More gloom descended on Europe as the euro sank below $1.30 for the first time since January,with further falls predicted,and leaders underlined how far apart they remain on a way out of the region’s deepening debt crisis.
Berlin believes most of the banks-including Deutsche Bank,Helaba and NordLB-will be able to find fresh capital from shareholders,retained earnings or shrinking their balance sheets. But officials think Commerzbank will be hard-pushed to present a convincing plan by the January deadline.
德國政府認為,其中大部分銀行——包括德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)、Helaba銀行和NordLB——能夠從股東那里、或通過留存收益或收縮資產負債表等途徑籌集新資金。但官員們認為,德國商業銀行將很難在1月最后期限前拿出令人信服的計劃。(英國《金融時報》)