U.S. technology company Apple is now worth as much as the 32 biggest euro zone banks. That’s the stark result from a steep fall in the share price of banks including Spain’s Santander,France’s BNP Paribas,Germany’s Deutsche Bank and Italy’s Unicredit,compared to a steady rise in Apple’s valuation,according to Thomson Reuters data.
Fourteen years ago,strapped for cash and with faith in his company at rock bottom,Steve Jobs was forced to go cap in hand to arch-enemy Microsoft for a $150m investment. A business worth just $1.7bn when Mr. Jobs returned in 1997 is now worth more than $335bn and has been instrumental in overhauling both the personal computing and mobile communications industries.
By the end of this year,the iPad will already be more profitable for Apple than its traditional Mac business. In 2012, it is also expected to produce considerably higher revenues. A company with sales topping $100bn cannot keep growing at more than 70 per cent for long, but strapping on a new engine such as the iPad certainly helps.
Rivals have been routed so far. Motorola cut the price of its Xoom tablet after its February launch,released a cheaper model and warned shipments will decline this quarter. RIM’s PlayBook was delayed until April and still isn’t being offered for sale by the two biggest U.S. wireless carriers. Hewlett-Packard Co. is dropping the price of its TouchPad tablet by 20% little more than a month after it hit stores. Samsung Electronics Co. is now embroiled in a patent dispute with Apple that threatens sales of its Galaxy Tab in most of Europe.
到目前為止,蘋果的競爭對手都潰不成軍。摩托羅拉2月發布Xoom平板電腦后下調了價格,推出了更便宜的版本,并警告說本季度發貨量將下滑。RIM的PlayBook延遲到4月才推出,而且目前仍沒有在美國兩大無線運營商那里銷售。惠普公司將其上市僅僅一個多月的平板電腦TouchPad的價格下調20%以促進銷量。三星電子現在則和蘋果公司卷入了一場專利糾紛,這可能威脅其平板電腦Galaxy Tab在歐洲大部分地區的銷售。(美國《華爾街日報》)
Apple Inc plans to invest in a Sharp Corp factory to secure a supply of LCD screens for iPhones and iPads,sources said. The proposed move,along with an investment in a new LCD factory of Toshiba Corp,comes as Apple and key supplier Samsung Electronics battle in courts over patent disputes,spurring talk that Apple may diversify suppliers.