Inflation across the eurozone accelerated to 2.4
percent year-on-year in February,the EU confirmed on Wednesday.The February rate
for the eurozone,pushed up notably by arise in transport or fuel costs,is the
highest since October 2008,when it hit 3.2 percent. A year earlier the rate was
0.8 percent.
According to Capital Economics bond specialist John H
iggens,the disaster in Japan has“caused a reassessment of the outlook for ECB
policy”.Oil and other commodity prices have also declined,“which should dampen
policy makers‘concerns about rising inflation,”Higgens said.“Investors may also
believe that the ECB will be reluctant to tighten monetary policy at a time when
the Bank of Japan is doing the opposite,”he added.
Sending the euro sharply higher,Jean-Claude Trichet,ECB
president,on Thursday warned that the euro’s monetary guardian was
exercising“strong vigilance”-code for a rate increase just a month away. A hike
next month from the record low of 1 percent,was“not certain,it is possible”he
Moody’s Investors Services said Tuesday it had cut
Portugal’s long-term government bond ratings to A3 from A1 and assigned western
Europe’s poorest country a negative outlook.
美國穆迪投資者服務公司周二(15日)宣布,已經將葡萄牙長期政府債券信用評級從A 1下調至A